Sindir TKN BPN: Positive Prabowo-Sandi Program

KolomMedia. Spokesperson for the National Winning Body (BPN) Prabowo Subianto-Sandiaga Uno, Andre Rosiade claimed the vision and mission offered by his candidates in the 2019 presidential election received a positive response from the public.

According to him, the statement from the TKN Spokesperson, Joko Widodo-Ma'ruf Amin, TB Ace Hasan Syadzily, who called Prabowo-Sandiaga's vision and mission poor on ideas and only entertained himself because he did not dare to argue with candidates.

"If the idea is poor it is impossible to respond positively by the community. So this is how the Jokowi camp entertained themselves," Andre said when confirmed, Friday (4/1).
He said the candidate's vision and mission was based on people's aspirations. This, according to him, made the Prabowo-Sandiaga vision and mission easily accepted by the community.
The Gerindra Party politician added that the positive response from the community would actually panic the Jokowi-Ma'ruf Amin camp.

In fact, based on his internal survey, the voice of the Jokowi-Ma'ruf pair fell to below 50 percent. While Prabowo-Sandiaga's level of electability rose to above 40 percent.
"If the idea is poor, it is certainly not possible for Pak Prabowo and Pak Sandiaga to be attacked by the community everywhere, with Pak Jokowi increasingly quiet," he said.

"We periodically survey electability to map many things, we do periodic surveys and they are confirmed to be panicking now," Andre said.
Furthermore, Andre also responded to Ace's accusation that his camp was acting because he accused it of being reluctant to compete with the program. According to him, Sandiaga never produced hoaks or plays.

"Bang Sandi has never produced hoaks. Pak Sandi and Pak Prabowo offer economic improvements, then the opening of jobs and affordable basic materials is based on the wishes of the people," he said.
He also mentioned that the Jokowi-Ma'ruf camp tends to be reluctant to discuss economic matters. This, he said, was proven when the Prabowo-Sandiaga camp threw economic criticism and was called pessimistic.

"Then every time we critics about economics are said to be pessimistic to say hoax, this indeed seems that the Jokowi camp is not ready for discussion and dialogue about the economy," he said.
"We will prove that on the 9th tomorrow, Prabowo will see the speech and his camp, Pak Jokowi, can see Pak Prabowo's speech immediately," said Andre.


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